GATE Mechanical Engineering 2020: Preparation tips for desired success

The GATE EXAM or Graduate Aptitude Test of Engineering is an entrance test for postgraduate admission in several premium engineering colleges and institutes in India. Clearing GATE is considered to be a primary focus in several PSU jobs like NTPC, ONGC, BHEL, HP, etc. Every year a large no. of candidates appear in this exam for pursuing higher studies or getting their dream jobs. Nevertheless, the competition level is quite tough in this exam, so you need to prepare well. This post contains a few preparation tips to crack this prestigious exam.

Subjects of GATE –
Engineering Mathematics – contains calculus, differential calculus, complex variables, and numerical methods.
Applied Mechanics and Design – consist of engineering mechanics, mechanics of materials, the theory of machines and vibrations
Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences – contains fluid mechanics, heat transfer, thermodynamics, and applications of fluid mechanics.
Materials, Manufacturing, and Industrial Engineering – consist of engineering materials, metrology, and inspection, machining, and machine tool operations, etc.

Ticks for GATE preparation –
#1 How to learn the formulas?
Regular revisions and practices of formulas with solving questions are the only ways you can remember the formulas for a long time. If you are aiming to rank good, then you should have all the formulas at your fingertips. Also, you can prepare a separate formula book along with notes to take over as a handy guide for quick revision.

#2 How to plan revision?
Many people prepare timelines wherein some dedicated 10 hours per day while others can give only 2 hours. It is highly important to understand how much time you can take out for GATE preparation that too with consistently. You can either keep weekends for revision or dedicate a few minutes or hours daily for revision.

#3 Should I take online GATE mock tests?
Yes, indeed. It is a must get a strong sense of the mock tests as it can help you improve your accuracy, strengthen your time management skills, and get familiar with an online calculator on the GATE exam screen.

#4 How to keep self-motivated?
It is quite difficult for many students to keep themselves motivated while studying. There are many things that may demotivate you, but you should believe in you and your strategic plans set out for yourself. Do your hard work with 100% dedication and stick with your routine.

#5 How to get an edge in preparation?
People do many things and often sideline the most important things that are needed for solving the problem. So, solve the basic problems as many as possible and keep your revision go with the flow to improve accuracy.

#6 How you should go about the exam?
Keep yourself calm and prepare hard to give your best. All the Best!