आधुनिक भारत का इतिहास सिविल सेवा की प्रारंभिक एवं मुख्य परीक्षा हेतु

ISBN: 9789389538151
450.00 292.5
Book Author

Sonali Bansal

Publisher Mc Graw Hill
ISBN -13 9789389538151
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Meant for UPSC as well as State Services Exam
Chronological narrative to help readers understand the development of historical events. 
Multi-dimensional coverage & analysis 
Modern Indian History is divided into 4 Units 
Unit 1-Popular Uprisings and Revolts
Unit 2- Socio-Religious Reform Movements
Unit 3- Indian National Movement-Part1 (Emergence of Organized Nationalism)
Unit 4-Indian National Movement-Part2 (Towards Freedom)

Prelim Capsule for quick revision
Flashbacks and Flashforwards for better understanding 
Learner-friendly presentation
Highlighted key words to guide new aspirants
Separate Chapters on the diverse political currents that emerged on the Indian political scene during 
the third decade of the 20th century and included-
• The Swarajists and their program of Council Entry (1922-29)
• Growth of Communalism (1922-37)
• Revolutionary Movement with a turn towards Socialism (after 1922)
• Growth of the Left Movement (1920s-1930s)
• Peasants’ and Workers’ Movements (1920s-1930s)
• States People’s Movement (1920s-30s)

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