How to Prepare for Data Interpretation

ISBN: 9789355324320
845.00 549.25
Book Author

Arun Sharma

Publisher Mc Graw Hill
ISBN -13 9789355324320
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About the book How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT by renowned author Arun Sharma is an acknowledged CAT trainer. It is essential for aspirants to develop skills in Data Interpretation to the level where they can comfortably attempt questions based on this topic. It gives clear guidance on how to attempt the various types of questions in less time and with more efficiency. This book is a must-have for aspirants appearing for any and all MBA examinations as it includes the latest pattern of questions presently asked in the examination. 1. Restructured according to the latest pattern of CAT 2. Separate sections dealing with Traditional and Logical Data Interpretation – first time ever done in any book of Data Interpretation 3. A complete dedicated section containing Data Interpretation from the Archives 4. Logical Data Interpretation section gives the reader extensive practice in reasoning and analysis-based questions as asked in CAT and XAT latest examinations 5 Familiarises aspirants with all types of Data Interpretation questions asked in CAT and other MBA entrance examinations 6. Starts from the basics of Data Interpretation – taking the reader through a calibrated learning experience 7. The section on Traditional Data Interpretation covers extensive calculation-based Data Interpretation, and other interpretation-based short-cuts giving a detailed insight into the logic of Traditional Data Interpretation

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