Big Data and Analytics

ISBN: 9788126579518
589.00 471.2
Book Author

Subhashini Chellappan

Seema Acharya

Publisher Wiley India PVT LTD
ISBN -13 9788126579518
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BIG DATA is a term used for massive mounds of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data that has the potential to be mined for information. The real power lies not just in having colossal data but in what insights can be drawn from this data to facilitate better and faster decisions. This book Big Data and Analytics is a comprehensive coverage on the concepts and practice of Big Data, Hadoop and Analytics. From the Do It Yourself steps and guidelines to set up a Hadoop Cluster to the deeper understanding of concepts and ample time-tested hands-on practice exercises on the concepts learned, this ONE book has it all!

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